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St Louis Traffic Tickets: How Do I Find Out The Reason Why My Driver’s License Has Been Suspended?


The easiest way to learn the reason for why your driving privileges have been suspended is to simply give the Missouri Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This department can identify clearly for you the reason(s) for the suspension. And once the reason for the suspension is learned, then a good St Louis traffic ticket lawyer can help you.

Finding out the reason for your suspension in the first place is very important if you receive a Driving While Suspended ticket in St Louis. This is a very serious offense (and some jurisdictions treat it as a criminal misdemeanor). And if you plead guilty to this type of ticket, you will receive twelve (12) points to your permanent driving record (which in turn will probably lead to yet another year of suspension).

“Points” are like little red flags that make it appear as if you are a bad driver. It is the existence of points on your record that cause your automobile insurance to skyrocket. And as mentioned above, if you receive too many points (especially over a short period of time), then the state will suspend your license.


But it does not have to turn out this way!! You do have an alternative! We want to learn all of the facts of your case, explain all of your options and rights, answer all of your questions, and guide you through the process from start to finish. So hiring us is far better than pleading guilty to the charge (or allowing the ticket to go to warrant)!!

The affordable St. Louis speeding ticket attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company, have been helping people with their traffic infractions for over ten (10) years. Our goal is to make sure that the charges leveled against you do not stay on your permanent record, and do any lasting damage. And we want to do all of this at an affordable price. The fees for a typical St. Louis traffic ticket case start at $35. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today!!

We have one location by appointment only: 4625 Lindell Blvd St. Louis, MO 63108. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!

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